My Brill Game Site
My Brill Game Site
- Summary
Current State: Active
Last updated: 11-Feb-2022
ROM File: Theme Park (F) [!].bin

This game has so many different ports it is hard to keep track of them all. The Megadrive one is a good one although I must say playing on an emulator to allow you to save whenever you want sure is helpful. Hopefully these codes will be aswell!

- ROM (2MB)
Key: Game Dynamics Data Block Graphics General Routine Error Handling ROM Header Empty Space
+/- Offset Length (hex) Opcode / Hexcode Instruction / ASCII Description
Standard rom header with the following details:
- RAM (64KB)
Key: Game Dynamics General Routine Unused
RAM Offset Length (hex) Original Value Useful Values Description
1C5E-1C61 4 Varies 00000000-FFFFFFFF Changes the amount of research per month
2582-2583 2 Varies 0000-FFFF Changes the amount Entertainers get paid when hired
2498-2499 2 Varies 0000-FFFF Changes the amount Mechanics get paid when hired
24AE-24AF 2 Varies 0000-FFFF Changes the amount Handymen get paid when hired
24C4-24C5 2 Varies 0000-FFFF Changes the amount Guards get paid when hired
C67C-C67F 4 Varies 00000000-FFFFFFFF Changes the amount of money
C684-C687 4 Varies 00000000-FFFFFFFF Changes the amount of loan
C6AE-C6B1 4 Varies 00000000-FFFFFFFF Changes the parks value at auction time