My Brill Game Site
My Brill Game Site
- Summary
Current State: Active
Last updated: 11-Feb-2022

Hacking saves for GTA:SA is it little harder than hacking Megadrive savestates as the information isn't always stored in the same place depending on which point in the game you save. Not only that but you need to be able to get the save file on and off your memory card! To do this I use the Memor32 USB Memory Card.Until I figure out where/how information is saved at certain points in the game the addresses given should be used as rough guides to help you.

To hopefully make things a little easier all this information is taken from editing a save created at the earliest point in the game possible.

Data is stored little endian style so 12345678 would be stored as 78563412. The information on this page is given as it should be entered.

- Save File
Key: Game Dynamics General Routine Unused
Save File Offset Length (hex) Original Value Useful Values Description
D223-D224 2 Varies 0000-7FFF CJ's health
D299 1 Varies 00-2F Weapon Slot 1
(See note 1)
D2A5-D2A6 2 Varies 0000-FFFF Weapon Slot 1 Ammo
317FC-317FF 4 Varies Varies Checksum
(See note 2)

Note 1:

00 = Nothing 0C = Dildo 3 18 = Desert Eagle 24 = Guided Rocket Launcher
01 = Knuckle Duster 0D = Dildo 4 19 = Shotgun 25 = Flame Thrower
02 = Golf Club 0E = Flowers 1A = Sawnoff Shotgun 26 = Chain Gun
03 = Truncheon 0F = Cane (Needs ammo) 1B = Pump Action Shotgun 27 = Satchel Bombs
04 = Knife 10 = Grenade 1C = Micro SMG 28 = Satchel Bombs Remote
05 = Baseball Bat 11 = Smoke Bomb 1D = SMG 29 = Spray Paint
06 = Shovel 12 = Moltovs 1E = AK47 2A = Extinguisher
07 = Pool Cue 13 = CRASH 1F = Assault Rifle 2B = Camera
08 = Samurai Sword 14 = CRASH 20 = Tec9 2C = Night Vision Goggles
09 = Chainsaw 15 = CRASH 21 = Musket Rifle 2D = Thermal Vision Goggles
0A = Dildo 1 16 = Handgun 22 = Sniper Rifle 2E = Parachute
0B = Dildo 2 17 = Silenced Handgun 23 = Rocket Launcher 2F = Handgun (no sound)

Note 2:

This is a simple checksum32 routine which can be worked out automatically using most hex editors built in functions.
Remember it is saved little endian style.